Membuat Bootable USB dari ISO di Linux

Ada banyak cara yang dapat kita gunakan untuk membuat bootable USB dari ISO di Linux, antara lain seperti menggunakan perintah dd atau menggunakan aplikasi desktop seperti Startup Disk Creator di Linux Ubuntu atau unetbootin yang tersedia di berbagai distro lain.

Kali ini kita akan mencoba membuat bootable USB menggunakan aplikasi Bootiso. Aplikasi ini aplikasi bash script yang di download dan dapat digunakan secara langsung menggunakan command line.


Membuat Bootable USB dari ISO di Linux

1. Installasi Bootiso

Terlebih dahulu kita download file Bootiso menggunakan perintah berikut:

$ cd ~/Downnloads
$ git clone
$ cd bootiso/
$ chmod +x bootiso

Agar nantinya bootiso ini dapat diakses dari mana saja, pindahkan file bootiso ke dalam direktori ~/bin atau /usr/local/bin/, contoh disini menggunakan ~/bin seperti contoh perintah berikut:

$ mkdir ~/bin
$ mv ~/Downloads/bootiso/bootiso .

Lakukan pengecekan apakah aplikasi bootiso dapat dijalankan

$ bootiso -l
Listing USB drives available in your system:
sdb 1 7,2G running disk

Hasil perintah di atas adalah aplikasi bootiso dapat mendeteksi list USB Flashdisk yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat bootable USB.

2. Testing

Uji coba kali ini akan menggunakan ISO dari Ubuntu 18.04 yang sebelumnya sudah didownload.

Berikut ini contoh membuat bootable USB Linux Ubuntu 18.04 menggunakan perintah berikut:

$ bootiso ~/Documents/iso/ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso 
Granting root privileges for bootiso.
[sudo] password for faizal: 
The selected ISO file has the right `application/x-iso9660-image' mime type.
Listing USB drives available in your system:
sdb 1 7,2G running disk
Autoselecting `sdb' (only USB device candidate)
The selected device `/dev/sdb' is connected through USB.
Created ISO mount point at `/tmp/iso.HKv'
`bootiso' is about to wipe out the content of device `/dev/sdb'.
Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/n)>y
Erasing contents of /dev/sdb...
Creating FAT32 partition on `/dev/sdb1'...
Created USB device mount point at `/tmp/usb.suq'
Copying files from ISO to USB device with `rsync' 
Synchronizing writes on device `/dev/sdb' 
`bootiso' took 522 seconds to write ISO to USB device with `rsync' method.
ISO succesfully unmounted.
USB device succesfully unmounted.
USB device succesfully ejected.
You can safely remove it !

Untuk lebih lengkapnya dapat dipelajari opsi apa saja yang ada di aplikasi tersebut dengan menggunakan perintah:

$ bootiso -h
Create a bootable USB from any ISO securely.
Usage: bootiso [<options>...] <file.iso>


-h, --help, help Display this help message and exit.
-v, --version Display version and exit.
-d, --device <device> Select <device> block file as USB device.
 If <device> is not connected through USB, `bootiso' will fail and exit.
 Device block files are usually situated in /dev/sXX or /dev/hXX.
 You will be prompted to select a device if you don't use this option.
-b, --bootloader Install a bootloader with syslinux (safe mode) for non-hybrid ISOs. Does not work with `--dd' option.
-y, --assume-yes `bootiso' won't prompt the user for confirmation before erasing and partitioning USB device.
 Use at your own risks.
-a, --autoselect Enable autoselecting USB devices in conjunction with -y option.
 Autoselect will automatically select a USB drive device if there is exactly one connected to the system.
 Enabled by default when neither -d nor --no-usb-check options are given.
-J, --no-eject Do not eject device after unmounting.
-l, --list-usb-drives List available USB drives.
-M, --no-mime-check `bootiso' won't assert that selected ISO file has the right mime-type.
-s, --strict-mime-check Disallow loose application/octet-stream mime type in ISO file.
-- POSIX end of options.
--dd Use `dd' utility instead of mounting + `rsync'.
 Does not allow bootloader installation with syslinux.
--no-usb-check `bootiso' won't assert that selected device is a USB (connected through USB bus).
 Use at your own risks.


Bootiso v2.5.2.
 Author: Jules Samuel Randolph
 Bugs and new features:
 If you like bootiso, please help the community by making it visible:
 * star the project at
 * upvote those SE post:


Demikianlah cara membuat bootable USB di LInux menggunakan aplikasi Bootiso.

Sekian dan terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat ya.

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